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Learn From Your Mistakes

One of the best ways to minimize mistakes is to correct those made in the past. This method particularly applies to studying for multiple-choice exams. Learning from the questions you answered wrong is just as important as identifying the questions you answered right. You must determine why you chose the incorrect answer so you may avoid the same error in the future.

Reasons for missing questions include:

  1. Misreading the requirements
  2. Failing to understand what is required
  3. Making a calculation error
  4. Applying the wrong rule or concept
  5. Being distracted by one or more of the answers
  6. Incorrectly eliminating answers from consideration
  7. Lacking any knowledge of the topic tested
  8. Employing poor intuition when guessing

Remember, each question you answer incorrectly in practice CIA exams serves as an opportunity to avoid missing test questions on the exam that counts!

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