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How to Study Using EA Gleim Online: Step One

How to Study Using EA Gleim Online: Step One

Our system for using the EA Gleim Online to prepare for the EA exam allows you to self-evaluate your knowledge, test-taking ability, and determination by using a series of steps to complete your initial pass through each study unit.

Step 1: Complete the first 20-question multiple-choice quiz in 20-25 minutes (excluding the review session); study why you missed any questions answered incorrectly.

We recommend you begin with Multiple-Choice Quiz #1 to practice answering questions that you are not familiar with. This will help you develop your educated guessing skills. The EA exam is very different and very difficult compared to other exams you have taken. Approximately a 60% raw score is passing. Thus, you have to adjust to answering questions that appear very difficult and require educated guessing.

Check back next week for Step 2!

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