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Plan ahead for the exam and systematically prepare for it. Go to the exam and give it your best. Neither you nor anyone else can expect more. If you have undertaken a systematic preparation program, you will do well.
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Because of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the demand for internal auditors has substantially increased. The CIA designation is an excellent way to increase your marketability by providing you with a comprehensive education necessary to utilize the tools of the trade. It serves as the only globally accepted certification for internal auditors. Your decision to pursue this...
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What can your CIA certification do for you? First, passing the CIA exam will be a huge personal achievement. It is not easy to study after work or school and sit through hours of examination, but once finished, you will feel on top of the world. This positive attitude will be reflected in both your...
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With Gleim’s Complete System, you have many resources at your fingertips. Not only do you have the study materials, which are preparation enough by themselves, but you have a complete support system. Personal Counselors Gleim’s Personal Counselors are experienced, knowledgeable experts who can advise you on everything from how much study time you need to...
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Question: “I am full-time professor at the University of Southwest Rhode Island. I am interested in taking the CIA Exam. Does The IIA extend discounts or waive fees for those who work in the field of Academia? If so, what steps should I take to obtain such offers?” Answer: Full-time educators are invited to take...
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One of the best ways to minimize mistakes is to correct those made in the past. This method particularly applies to studying for multiple-choice exams. Learning from the questions you answered wrong is just as important as identifying the questions you answered right. You must determine why you chose the incorrect answer so you may...
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The CIA exam is a nondisclosed exam. Nondisclosed means that the exam questions and solutions are NOT released after each examination. In order to keep our materials up-to-date and relevant to CIA candidates, we request feedback on our materials after each CIA exam. We need to know what topics need to be added or enhanced....
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Book the Hotel, Then Hit the Books! CIA exam candidates who live more than one hour away from the testing site should plan to reserve a hotel room for every night prior to their sitting for the exam. If you feel uncertain as to the precise location of the testing site, book rooms at several...
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SOX is Red Hot For Nonprofits The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is prompting nonprofit organizations to examine their auditing procedures and to avoid even the smallest amount of misapplication. Drexel University, which was featured in this month’s Internal Auditor, has examined SOX and adopted the best principles to ensure that their organization is reliable and...
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“What is the Bradford Cadmus Memorial Award? What are the benefits of the award? May I nominate someone for this award? If so, how?” The Bradford Cadmus Memorial Award attributes its name to the memory of Bradford Cadmus, the original managing director of the Institute of Internal Auditors. The award recognizes individuals, regardless of their...
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