We want you to feel at ease with your purchase and assure you that Gleim will support you in your exam preparation efforts.
As long as you are preparing for and taking the CMA exam section(s) for which you purchased the Gleim Premium CMA Review System, we will ensure that you have Access Until You Pass®. Your electronic material will update automatically when new editions are released and when content revisions are made. In addition, we’ll ship you the new edition of the book(s) for only the cost of shipping.
If you follow the Gleim “suggested steps” detailed in our Premium CMA Review System, are unsuccessful in passing the exam, and are not satisfied with the System, we will refund your purchase price paid for the applicable sections. You must request this refund within 18 months of your purchase.
We GUARANTEE that all components of the Gleim CMA Review will remain current for at least 18 months from your purchase date. If Gleim releases a new edition for any exam part you have purchased but not yet passed within 18 months, you may qualify to receive complimentary replacement books for only the cost of shipping and handling. Your electronic materials will update automatically. See below for conditions and details.
To qualify for replacement materials, you must: