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Lee Niedenthal

ICMA Gold Medal Winner
Lee Niedenthal

Lee Niedenthal

Michigan, USA

The CMA offers a variety of benefits – professional, networking, salary – so I decided to pursue the credential. I purchased the Gleim CMA Parts 1 and 2 and could not have been happier with the decision. The text made the content easy to read and comprehend, with preparatory questions sprinkled in at just the right times to reinforce key points. The Test Prep Online was invaluable as a practice tool and diagnostic – I was able to readily assess whether or not I was prepared to take the exam using this tool. I received the ICMA Gold Medal for the Jan-Feb 2013 testing window. The Gleim materials allowed me to accomplish this with a minimal investment of money and time. The Gleim material is presented in such a natural, intuitive manner that I spent a combined total of two months preparing for both parts of the CMA. This is a high quality product at an affordable price.