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Michael Peters

William S. Smith Certificate of Honor Winner

Michael Peters

Canton, Michigan

In 1989 I sat for the CPA exam and used Gleim study materials. Back then they were two very large books that almost didn’t fit in my audit bag. I found them to be very on point with what to study and very easy to use, and as a result I passed all four parts of the exam on the first attempt. Over 25 years later I utilized the Gleim materials as the study materials for the CIA exam. While the materials were now primarily on-line, I found them to be every bit as efficient, effective, and user-friendly as they were in 1989. I sat for and passed all three parts of the CIA exam within a four month period, and received recognition for my score in the process.

I highly recommend Gleim materials for anybody sitting for a CPA or CIA exam. They very efficiently prepare you for the key areas of focus and train you for the types of questions you will likely be asked on the exam. In my case, the results spoke for themselves.