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Concepts in Part 4

Question: What concepts are covered in Part 4?

Answer: Part 4 of the CIA exam covers Business Management Skills. In this section candidates must demonstrate awareness, but not proficiency, of each of the topics.

The first subsection is concerned with strategic management. It covers global analytical techniques, industry environments, strategic decisions, portfolio techniques of competitive analysis, and product life cycles.

The second subsection discusses global business environments. Topics included are cultural/legal/political environments and economic/financial environments.

Organizational Behavior is covered in the third subsection. Here, motivation, communication, performance, and structure are presented.

The fourth subsection discusses management skills. In this subsection, you will be tested on group dynamics, team building, leadership skills, and personal time management.

The final subsection covers negotiating. Here, conflict resolution and added-value negotiating are examined.

For information about the other three sections, please refer to the archived CIA Candidate Forums.

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