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Question: I get really nervous before taking exams. Any suggestions?

Answer: Test anxiety is natural and to be expected on exam day. If you have difficulty managing your stress, try these stress reducing techniques.

First, attempt to recognize the factors that contribute to your anxiety. Do you lose perspective of the exam, seeing it as a one-time opportunity? If so, remind yourself throughout the exam that this is not the end.

If you draw a blank during the exam, do not panic. Put the question aside by flagging it for review, and return to it later. Often, wording in another question will spark your memory.

Always remember to stay positive. Use positive language when discussing the exam. l To your friends who ask how the studying is going, say “I’ve learned a lot. As long as I keep learning, I will be ready for the exam.” Avoid saying things like, “I’ve still got so much to learn. It seems like I’ll never cram it all in before the exam.” What you say, even meant humorously, can negatively impact your performance. Remain positive, and you will succeed. Remind yourself of the hours you put in to studying, the questions you answered correctly, and the concepts you learned successfully. You can do it!

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