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If You Failed One or More Parts Previously

If You Failed One or More Parts Previously

In recent years, the pass rate on each part of the EA exam has averaged between 50% and 80% for first-time takers, depending on the part. This statistic means that many candidates do not pass all parts attempted and have to take at least one part twice. If this happens to you there are a couple things you should do.

  1. Once you have put the reaction to the bad news behind you, you should regroup and begin implementing the suggestions of a Personal Counselor using the Gleim EA Review System. It is imperative that you avoid thinking “I knew that” or “I don’t have to study that again.” What you knew and how you took the exam last time did NOT work. Try to develop new and improved perspectives.
  2. Avoid failure on the next exam by identifying, correcting, and understanding your mistakes as you practice answering true/false study questions and multiple-choice practice questions during your study sessions. Always restudy each question you marked and/or answered incorrectly at the end of each test session. Understand your mistakes while you study so you can avoid making the same mistakes on the actual exam.

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