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Which Part of the CIA Exam is the Hardest
Internal auditors who are looking to set themselves apart from their peers and attain a globally accepted certification often seek to pass the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exam. By passing this exam, you can demonstrate your competency and professionalism in the internal auditing field while validating your professional work experience. Passing the CIA exam requires...
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laid out documents on table about IPPF content changes
Recently, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) released a new version of the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF). This framework consists of the principles, codes, and standards that The IIA promotes in order to direct the internal auditing profession. While the new IPPF includes mandatory and recommended guidance that will affect the actions of internal...
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CIA candidate holding money he saved from exam fees
Like most things, the CIA designation is not free. While the benefits of becoming a CIA definitely outweigh the accrued expenses of time, effort, and money, CIA candidates will have to deal with the CIA exam fees first. Though the CIA exam fees are unavoidable, they do not have to be unmanageable. The secret to...
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Gleim recently launched It is a place where you can find helpful tips for the CPA, CIA, CMA, and EA exams. We’ll post exam updates, CPE information, and helpful hints and study habits from other fellow candidates. If you want to share your journey, we’d love to have you write for (compensation is...
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Question: Do I need to provide documentation of my education and experience requirements prior to registering for an exam part? Answer: No. Full-time university students who are in their senior (final) year may sit for the CIA exam before completing their education requirement as long as they complete the Student/Professor Application Form and submit the...
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Question: If I purchased the 16th Edition, can I use it to study for the 3-Part exam? Answer: No. The 16th Edition helps candidates pass the 4-part exam in an efficient and effective manner. The 16th Edition is in no way meant to be used for the 3-part exam. The 4-part exam will be available...
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The 17th Edition of the Gleim CIA Review is now available. The 17th Edition should be used by any candidates preparing to take the 3-part CIA exam. Candidates who have purchased the Gleim CIA Review System within the last 18 months and need to transition to the new 3-part exam may be eligible to receive...
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The new 3-Part CIA exam will be administered beginning July 1, 2013. The current 4-Part exam will be phased out by December 31, 2013, after which time only the 3-Part exam will be available. This evolution is a result of an IIA Job Analysis Survey (JAS), which determined that the body of knowledge related to...
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Question: I have been told the CIA exam will be changing from a 4-part to a 3-part exam. When will you have materials available? Answer: The CIA exam will not be changing to a 3-part exam until July 2013. Candidates who start now will have adequate time to prepare for any part(s) of the current...
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The IIA recently announced that they will be updating the CIA Exam based on the results of the Job Analysis Study (JAS) performed in 2011. There will be two major changes to the exam. The first change will impact the exam structure, reducing the program from four to three parts. With the reduction in parts,...
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