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Don’t panic.

You have spent months preparing for this examination. While there is still some study time left, don’t dwell on details. If there is one question you repeatedly answer incorrectly, don’t focus on it. Focus instead on the study units you consistently perform poorer on and do not worry about one or two questions.

Also, mentally rehearse what you will do on exam day. Make a list of what foods you will bring and the supplies you will need. Imagine yourself working through your exam and knowing the correct answers. Mentally prepare yourself for this grueling task.

Lastly, remember to relax. It is better to be refreshed and ready than burnt out from last- minute cramming. Cramming will only harm you. Take a long walk, read a good book, or listen to some of your favorite music. These steps will help you recharge between study sessions and replenish your reserves before the exam.

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