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Professor Discounts

Question: “I am full-time professor at the University of Southwest Rhode Island. I am interested in taking the CIA Exam. Does The IIA extend discounts or waive fees for those who work in the field of Academia? If so, what steps should I take to obtain such offers?”

Answer: Full-time educators are invited to take the CIA Exam free of charge. Along with the Examination Application Form, The IIA requires candidates who fall under this classification to submit a letter attesting to their college – or university-level teaching profession. The letters must:

  1. Be printed on the university’s letterhead
  2. Specify the courses taught during each semester or quarter
  3. Verify that the candidate had a full time appointment for each academic year submitted
  4. Be signed by the dean of the college of business administration

The IIA Academic Relations Committee reviews all letters. The members of the Committee maintain the right to approve or disqualify candidates who desire to take the exam “fee free.”

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