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Major Adjustment

A major adjustment facing most CIA candidates is that the CIA exam has a 45% pass rate and requires a 75% correct response rate to attain a passing score. Accounting students generally enjoy 90% plus pass rates and focus on 90% plus exam scores. CIA candidates must adjust their expectations and be satisfied with 75% plus scores, which are passing.

You will NEVER be completely prepared for the CIA exam, i.e., there are no 100% scores contemplated or possible. Thus, you have to adjust, making your best guess on many questions. Our system develops educated guessing to maximize your expected scores. We advocate answering a practice test “cold,” i.e., before you study and also analyze why you chose each incorrect response. Answering questions when unprepared AND understanding why you answered questions incorrectly will improve your score significantly. We have over 3,500 up-to-date practice questions to get you up to speed.

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