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Congratulations to New CIAs!

Congratulations to those who are newly certified!

Becoming certified as a CIA, CISA, CGAP, or any other certified professional is a huge accomplishment that should fill you with personal pride. This achievement will open professional doors to you, as it demonstrates that you have the proper educational training along with the drive and determination you must possess to prepare for and pass the certification exams.

This new accomplishment comes with a responsibility to educate your colleagues, students, and fellow chapter members about what a certification can do for them. Mentoring a co-worker who may be contemplating certification and telling him or her about your experience and how the certification has helped you can be as rewarding as passing your own exam.

For those candidates who are not yet certified and have not started the process, there is no time like the present. Apply to take the exam, purchase your CIA Review materials, and start studying immediately. The sooner you begin, the sooner you will pass and start to enjoy the benefits of being certified. And if you have started, but have not yet finished, dedicate your time to follow your study schedule and get certified by the end of the year.

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