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Prepare to Pass the CIA Exam

hand writing on notebook to prepate for CIA exam

It is time for you to prepare for the CIA exam so you can work toward becoming a Certified Internal Auditor. It also is time to decide how to best do this. When exploring your options for a CIA Review course, it’s important to find the CIA exam prep program that best suits your needs to help you pass.

CIA Exam Coverage

The most important thing to look for in a review course is the coverage. Keep in mind that the CIA exam is non-disclosed, which means the test questions and solutions are not released to review providers or the public until they are “retired” and no longer tested on the exam. Therefore, it is crucial to find a reliable resource that has the expertise to review and synthesize The IIA’s exam syllabus and ensure tested topics and skills are adequately covered to maximize your score.

Gleim CIA has more than 35 years of CIA exam prep experience in creating the most comprehensive coverage of the CIA exam syllabus. Our comprehensive coverage extends beyond the learning material and into the exam-emulating practice questions, which have been crafted to mirror the actual CIA exam experience by appearance, format, and function. Our review also includes detailed answer explanations, which explain why choices are correct and incorrect. Working through those explanations will enhance your learning and assist in acquiring the knowledge you will need to pass the CIA exam.

Gleim CIA Review Advantage: Dive Right In

Start right away by identifying which subject areas you excel at and which areas need more attention. Creating this baseline of knowledge and skills will help you know where to focus throughout your review and how to better manage your study time. Once you know where to focus, you can take advantage of the multiple ways to study course content that Gleim offers. These learning tools include instructional videos that walk you through the more complicated topics and break them down into real-world scenarios, audio lectures that you can listen to hands-free to help reinforce the topics, and an easy-to-read Knowledge Transfer Outline that is comprehensive and concise.

A Plan to Study is a Plan to Pass

The commitment to prepare for the CIA exam starts with setting aside time for dedicated study sessions and establishing a calendar that breaks down how much of the material you need to study each week to stay on track. Gleim CIA Review includes an intuitive and interactive study planner that will keep you on track and motivated to continue moving through the material. Couple that with access to a Gleim Personal Counselor, your very own exam mentor, and you will have a plan to pass laid out for you.

All the while, you can study worry-free because the Access Until You Pass® guarantee ensures that your materials stay current throughout your review.

With Gleim CIA, the #1 CIA exam prep, familiarity and confidence will become a major part of your performance on exam day. Start studying now and learn why Gleim is the most widely used CIA course on the market.

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